- (English) Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for inter-district transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from source district Bargarh to recipient district Puri in the State of Odisha. II
- (English) Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of H & T Contractors for handling and transportation of new Gunny Bales to be supplied by Jute Mills located in West Bengal (Kolkata) from Receiving Railheads (Odisha) to designated base depots located in different districts in the state of Odisha vide TENDER No.17772/OSCSC/GUNNY/02/2022-23 Date.13.12.2022 II
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of H & T Contractors for Handling and Transportation of new Gunny Bales to be supplied by Jute Mills located in West Bengal (Kolkata) from Receiving Railheads (Odisha) to designated base depots located in different districts in the state of Odisha. II
- (English) Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Handling & Transport Contractors for handling and transportation of new Gunny Bales to be supplied by Jute Mills located in West Bengal (Kolkata) from Receiving Railheads (Odisha) to designated base depots located in different districts in the state of Odisha.
- (English) Tender Call Notice bearing No-2701, dt-21.11.2022 for engagement of hired vehicle (Bolero) for Paddy Procurement Operation in the Office of CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar, for KMS-2022-23. II
- (English) Tender call notice for engagement of hired vehicle for paddy operation in the Office of CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd., AnguL, for KMS-2022-23. II
- (English) Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for inter-district transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from source district Koraput to recipient district Malkangiri in the State of Odisha. II
- (English) Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for inter-district transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from source districts to recipient districts in the State of Odisha. II
- (English) Short Tender Call Notice for Printing of Guideline on Decentralised Procurement operation for KMS-2022-23. II
- (English) Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of paddy from paddy purchase centres (PPC) to rice mills with in district or out side the district within the state of Odisha, Unit-III, Anandapur Sub-Division. II