- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-ll contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) to Retail Centre (FPS) of Barkot Unit.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Handling Contractor (Labour works) for handling of food grain (Rice, Wheat) at all the Rice Receiving Centres (RRCs) (except in those PEG godowns where godown owner is undertaking handling work) of Deogarh District.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidtlers for selection and appointment of level-I transport contractor for transportation of wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) of Deogarh District.
- (English) Selection of System Integrator (S.I) for Supply Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance of Electronic Weighing Machines on Rental Mode and its Integration with electronic Point of Sale devices at Fair Price Shops in the State of Odisha.
- (English) RFP for SAP Support and Maintenance Services
- (English) RFP for Selection of Chartered Accountant firm for Reconciliation of Subsidy Account of Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-I transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRCs) of Jajpur District. District.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Handling Contractor (Labour works) for handling of food grain (Rice, Wheat) at all the Rice Receiving Centres (RRCs) (except in those PEG godowns where godown owner is undertaking handling work) of Jajpur district.
- (English) Cancellation of the tender for Selection of Agency for “SAP support and maintenance services” at OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar with RFP No 5391 dt 15.04.2023.
- (English) Corrigendom-I for Selection of Recruitment Agency to Conduct Computer Based Test (CBT).