Lifting Plan
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Transport Contractor for transportation of Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centres (PPC) to Rice Mills within district or out side district within the state of Odisha for the KMS 2023-24.
- RFP for ‘Selection of SPA for Supply of Qualified DEOs on Outsourcing Basis for Smooth Management of 378 RCMS Centers at Block/ULB Level & Centers at 30 District Grievance Redressal Officers’ (DGRO) Offices.
- Corrigendum-II, RFP Advt. No-11299/OSCSC, Dated-02.08.2023 for ‘Selection of Service Providing Agency (SPA) for engagement of Project Associate (Legal) at HO/District on Outsourcing Basis’.
- Corrigendum-I, RFP Advt. No-11299/OSCSC, Dated-02.08.2023 for ‘Selection of Service Providing Agency (SPA) for engagement of Project Associate (Legal) at HO/District on Outsourcing Basis’.
- Corrigendum-I for RFP Advt. No.11875/FSCW/Dated 19.07.2023 for supply of qualified DEO’s on Outsourcing basis.
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for inter-district transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from source districts to recipient districts in the State of Odisha.
- Office Order for Selection of Agency for SAP support and maintenance services at OSCSC Ltd., Bhubaneswar vide RFP No 10909 dt 25.07.2023 is hereby cancelled.
- Corrigendum-I for Selection of System Integrator (S.I) for Supply Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance of Electronic Weighing Machines on Rental Mode and its Integration with electronic Point of Sale devices at Fair Price Shops in the State of Odisha.
- Office Order for SAP Training at the Head Office of OSCSC Ltd., Bhubaneswar vide EOI No-9934, dt-06/07/2023 is hereby Cancelled.
- Request For Proposal (RFP) for ‘Selection of Service Providing Agency (SPA) for engagement of Project Associate (Legal) at HO/District on Outsourcing Basis’