Lifting Plan
- Quotation call notice for repair of Sharp Xerox Machine in Ganjam
- Tender for appointment of T.C for transportation of paddy from mandi to mill points in OSCSC Website.
- Tender for appointment of T.C for transportation of Rice from Mill Points to RRC/FCI Depots in OSCSC Website.
- Short Tender Call Notice for supply of 2000 copies of Guidelines on Decentralised Procurement Operation for the KMS:2020-21
- Quotation Call Notice for printing and supply of 450 no’s of 38th annual report for the F.Y. 2017-18
- RFP for Printing of Ration cards
- Terms and Conditions of Tender for disposal of damaged stock of CMR lying at OSWC,Paralakhemundi,Gajapati
- Instructions Handling