- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs)/Mandi to Rice Mill points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) form Rice Mill points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Balipatna Block of Khordha District.
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs)/Mandi to Rice Mill points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) form Rice Mill points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Balianta Block of Khordha District.
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-I transport contractors for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI, Khurda Road to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs) of Puri District..
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs)/Mandi to Rice points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) form rice points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Malkangiri Block & Municipality cluster of Malkangiri District.
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs)/Mandi to Rice points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) form rice points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Korukonda Block & Balimela NAC cluster of Malkangiri District.
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs)/Mandi to Rice points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) form rice points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Kalimela Block unit of Malkangiri District.
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs)/Mandi to Rice points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) form rice points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Podia Block Cluster of Malkangiri District.
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs)/Mandi to Rice points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) form rice points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Khairput & Chitrakonda Block unit of Malkangiri District.
- Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs)/Mandi to Rice points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) form rice points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Mathili Block Cluster of Malkangiri District.
- Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-I transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) for Kalahandi District.