- lnvitation for Exoression of Interest (Eol) for SAP Training at the Head Office of Odisha State Civi! Supplies Corporation Ltd., Bhubaneswar.
- Request for Proposal (RFP Advt. No.9551//OSCSC, Dated 30.06.2023) Re-Tender for Selection of Recruitment Agency To Conduct Computer Based Test.
- Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-II contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) to Retail Centre (FPS) for Khaira Block.
- Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-II contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) to Retail Centre (FPS) for Baliapal Block.
- Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-II contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) to Retail Centre (FPS) for Bahanaga Block.
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries of RFP for Selection of Charted Accountant firm for Reconcilation of Subsidy Account of OSCSC Ltd.
- Corrigendum/addendum for SAP Support & Maintenance Services.
- Cancellation of the tender for Selection of Recruitment Agency to conduct Computer Based Test (CBT) for recruitment of different post for & on behalf of OSCSC Ltd.
- Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-ll contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) to Retail Centre (FPS) of Tileibani Unit.
- Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-ll contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) to Retail Centre (FPS) of Reamal Unit.