ଉଠାଣ ଯୋଜନା
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-1 transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) for the biennial year-2023-25 in Keonjhar District.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-1 transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) for the biennial 2023-25 for Kalahandi District.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-1 transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) for the biennial 2023-25 for Bhadrak District.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-I transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) for the period from October-2024 to 31st March-2025 for Jajpur District.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-I transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) for the biennial 2023-25 for Balasore District.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-I transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) for the biennial Year-2023-25 for Dhenkanal District.
- (English) Appointment of transport contractors for transportation of (i) Paddy from Paddy Purchase Centers (PPCs) / Mandis to Rice Mill points (within or outside district) & (ii) Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Mill points to Rice Receiving Centers (RRCs)/Depots (within or outside district) for Dhenkanal District for KMS-2024-25.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-I transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) for Nuapada District.
- (English) Short Tender Call Notice for Printing Firms/Suppliers.
- (English) Selection and appointment of transport contractors for inter-district transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from source districts to recipient districts in the State of Odisha.