ଉଠାଣ ଯୋଜନା
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for Selection and appointment of Level-2 Transport Contractor for Transportation of CMR from CWC, J.K. Road to FPS of Vyasanagar Municipality of Jajpur District for the year 2023-24 & 2024-25.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-Il transport contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) CWC. J.K Road to FPS of Sukinda Block of Jajpur district for the year-2023-24 & 2024-25.C) to Retail Centre (FPS).
- (English) Corrigendum-Notice-regarding-the-RFP(No 5391 dt 15.04.2023)-for-SAP-Support-and-Maintenance-Services.
- (English) Short Quotation Call Notice No-5527, dt-18/04/2023 for Printing & Binding of Board/Board level Books.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-I transport contractor for transportation of Wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) of Balasore District.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Handling Contractor (Labour works) for handling of food grain (Rice, Wheat) at all the Rice Receiving Centres (RRCs) (except in those PEG godowns where godown owner is undertaking handling work) of Balasore district.
- (English) RFP for Selection of Agency for SAP Support & Maintenance Services at OSCSC Ltd., in the state of Odisha.
- (English) Quotation Call Notice-4810, dt-05/04/2023
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection & appointment of of Handling Contractor(Labour works) for Handling of Food grain(Rice, Wheat) at all the RRCs (except in those PEG godown where godown is undertaking handling work) of Boudh District. II
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection & appointment of Level-II contractor for transportation of CMR from RRC to Retail Centre (FPS) of Boudh District. II