ଉଠାଣ ଯୋଜନା
- (English) Short Quotation Call Notice for Quality Testing Equipment.
- (English) RFP for SAP Support & Maintenance Services.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-ll contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Receiving Gentre (RRC) to Retail Centre (FPS) of Khordha Block.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of level-ll contractor for transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from Rice Receiving Gentre (RRC) to Retail Centre (FPS) of Chilika Block & Balugaon NAC.
- (English) Online Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of Level-I transport contractor for transportation of wheat from Food Storage Depot (FSD), FCI to Rice Receiving Centre (RRC) of Khordha District.
- (English) Office Order-The tender for selection of Agency for SAP support & maintenance services at OSCSC Ltd., Bhubaneswar vide RFP No-8727, dt-13/06/2023 is hereby cancelled.
- (English) Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of transport contractors for inter-district transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from source districts to recipient districts in the State of Odisha.
- (English) Online tenders are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of handling & transport contractors for handling & transportation of custom milled rice (CMR) from Source districts to recipient districts through Rake in the State of Odisha.
- (English) RFP for ‘Selection of SPA for Supply of Qualified DEOs on Outsourcing Basis for Smooth Functioning of 378 RCMS Centers at Block/ULB Level & 30 Centers at DGRO Offices.
- (English) Corrigendum Notice- Eol for SAP Training at the Head Office of OSCSC Ltd., Bhubaneswar.