ଉଠାଣ ଯୋଜନା
- (English) Selection & appointment of Transport Contractors for transportation of paddy from Mandi to Mill point within district or outside the district within the State of Odisha for the KMS-2023-24 for Balisankara Block, Sundargarh.
- (English) Selection and appointment of transport contractors for inter-district transportation of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) from source district Subarnapur (Sonepur-2, Panisiali Depot) to recipient district Kandhamal in the State of Odisha.
- (English) Tender Call Notice for engagement of hired vehicle for office use of District Manager, OSCSC Ltd., Cuttack.
- (English) Corrigendum-III With reference to the RFP published vide Advt. No.15671/OSCSC/Dated 20-10-2023 for Manufacturing & Supply of New Jute Carry Bags for use by the Beneficiaries under the Public Distribution System (PDS).
- (English) Corrigendum-II With reference to the RFP published vide Advt. No.15671/OSCSC/Dated 20-10-2023 for Manufacturing & Supply of New Jute Carry Bags for use by the Beneficiaries under the Public Distribution System (PDS).
- (English) Short Tender Call Notice for Printing and supply of Booklets as per our prescribed format.
- (English) RFP for selection of System Integrator(S.I.) for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Electronic Digital Platform Weighing Machine on rental Mode and its Integration with Electronic Point of Sale (e-POS) Devices in FPS in the State of Odisha.
- (English) Corrigendum-I With reference to the RFP published vide Advt. No.15671/OSCSC/Dated 20-10-2023 for Manufacturing & Supply of New Jute Carry Bags for use by the Beneficiaries under the Public Distribution System (PDS).
- (English) Tender vide Notice No-8590, dated 09.06.2023 for selection of a Chartered Accountant firm for reconciliation of Subsidy Account is hereby cancelled.
- (English) Online short tender are invited from eligible bidders for selection and appointment of handling & transport contractors for handling & transportation of custom milled rice (CMR) from Source district Bargarh to recipient district Balasore through Rake in the State of Odisha.